Our beautiful wellness centre is located in the village of Alton, in the heart of the Headwaters region. We offer a serene space to escape to, a place to fill your cup and align your body, mind and spirit.
There is so much magic that lies within the body and its ability to heal. Our bodies are pretty spectacular with so many moving parts that work in harmony. At Headwaters Wellness we help ignite the healing process in your body.
The mind body connection is such a powerful one. How you feel on the inside is so integral in the healing process. If you are looking for some help during challenging times or are looking to infuse mindfulness into your life we can assist you.
Our spirit is the essence of who we are, the non physical part that lies within all of us….. the piece that connects body to our soul. Our passion is to see each our clients connect with who they truly are.
Osteopathy is a gentle form of manual healing which emphasizes the harmony and balance between the body’s structure and function.
The counselling experience can be a chance to step away from the rush and struggles of life and provide an opportunity for healing and self-discovery by developing new understanding about a situation and/or creating a plan to overcome obstacles.